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Correlated states in twisted double bilayer graphene

发布时间:2021-05-28 发表期刊和卷宗:Nature Physics,16,520–525(2020) 论文链接
作者:Cheng Shen, Yanbang Chu, QuanSheng Wu, Na Li, Shuopei Wang, Yanchong Zhao, Jian Tang, Jieying Liu, Jinpeng Tian, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Rong Yang, Zi Yang Meng, Dongxia Shi, Oleg V.Yazyev and Guangyu Zhang.

上一篇:Precise control of the interlayer twist angle in large scale MoS₂ homostructures

下一篇:High-order minibands and interband Landau level reconstruction in graphene moiré superlattices


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