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Precise control of the interlayer twist angle in large scale MoS₂ homostructures

发布时间:2021-07-02 发表期刊和卷宗:Nature Communications,11,2153 (2020) 论文链接
作者:Mengzhou Liao, Zheng Wei, Luojun Du, Qinqin Wang, Jian Tang, Hua Yu, Fanfan Wu, Jiaojiao Zhao, Xiaozhi Xu, Bo Han, Kaihui Liu, Peng Gao, Tomas Polcar, Zhipei Sun, Dongxia Shi, Rong Yang and Guangyu Zhang.

上一篇:Employing defected monolayer MoS₂ as charge storage materials

下一篇:Correlated states in twisted double bilayer graphene


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