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Large-scale flexible and transparent electronics based on monolayer molybdenum disulfide field-effect transistors

发布时间:2021-05-28 发表期刊和卷宗:Nature Electronics (2020) 论文链接
作者:Na Li, Qinqin Wang, Cheng Shen, Zheng Wei, Hua Yu, Jing Zhao, Xiaobo Lu, Guole Wang, Congli He, Li Xie, Jianqi Zhu, Luojun Du, Rong Yang*, Dongxia Shi and Guangyu Zhang.

上一篇:In Situ Oxygen Doping of Monolayer MoS₂ for Novel Electronics

下一篇:Vertical Integration of 2D Building Blocks for All‐2D Electronics


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