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Simultaneous generation of direct- and indirect-gap photoluminescence in multilayer MoS₂ bubbles

发布时间:2021-07-02 发表期刊和卷宗:Phys.Rev.Materials 4,074006 (2020) 论文链接
作者:Hailan Luo, Xuanyi Li, Yanchong Zhao, Rong Yang, Lihong Bao, Yufeng Hao, Yu-nan Gao, Norman N. Shi, Yang Guo, Guodong Liu, Lin Zhao, Qingyan Wang, Zhongshan Zhang, Guangyu Zhang, Jiatao Sun, Yuan Huang, Hongjun Gao, and Xingjiang Zhou.

上一篇:High-order minibands and interband Landau level reconstruction in graphene moiré superlattices

下一篇:Scratching lithography for wafer-scale MoS₂ monolayers


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